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Friday, January 10, 2020

Part 6 Economics Some important Organization and terms by Md kashif hayat

1 What is the full form of PI ?
Ans = Personal income 

2 What is the full form of PDI ?
Ans = Personal Disposable income 

3 What is the full form of PCI ? 
Ans = Per Capita income 

4 what is the full form of GCF ? 
Ans = Gross capital formation 

5 What is the full form of IFI ? 
Ans = international financial institution 

6 what is the full form of IBRD ? 
Ans = The international bank for reconstruction and development 

7 What is the full form of IDA ? 
Ans  = The international development association 

8 What is the full form of IFC? 
Ans = The international finance corporation 

9 What is the full form of MIGA ? 
Ans = The multilateral investment guarantee agency 

10 What is the full form of ICSID ? 
Ans = The international center for settlement of Investment disputes 

11 What is the full form of IMF ? 
Ans = International Monetary fund 

12 What is the full form of AIIB ?
Ans = Asian infrastructure investment bank 

13 What is the full form of ADB ? 
Ans = Asian Development Bank 

14 What is the full form of NDB ?
Ans = New development bank ЁЯПж 

© Md kashif hayat 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Part 5 Economics NDP and NNP questions and answers Md kashif hayat

1 What is the full form of NDP? 
Ans = Net domestic products 

2 what is NDP? 
Ans = The net domestic product (NDP) equals the Gross Domestic product (GDP) minus depreciation  on a country's capital goods ( source Wikipedia) 

3 What is the mathematical formula for NDP? 
Ans =NDP= GDP - D 

4 Define depreciation in economics? 
Ans. Due to use or wear and tear when the monetary value of an assets decreases with passing time is known as depreciation. 

5 Define the full form of NNP? 
Ans = Net national product

6 What is NNP? 
Ans = The value of all finished Goods and services produced by a country's citizens in foreign territory and within the territory of own country is known as NNP. 

7 which term is technically treated as national income? 
Ans = NNP 

8 what is the mathematical formula for NNP? 
Ans = GNP - D ( depreciation) 

© Md kashif hayat 

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Economy part 4 Important Question on NFFI

1 What is NFFI ? 
Ans = Difference between a nations  GNP-GDP

2 Which is calculated as the difference between the total amount that a country's citizens + company earn abroad, and the total sum of amount that the foreign citizens +companies Eran in the country 
Ans = NFFI 

3 what is the full form of NFFI?  
Ans = Net foreign factor income 

4 In mathetical term NFFI? 

5 What is the full form of BEA? 
Ans = Bureau of economic analysis 

© Md kashif hayat 

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Economy part 3 Important questions on GNP by Md kashif hayat

1.What is the full form of GNP? 
Ans= Gross National Product

2 How can GNP be calculated? 
Ans= It can be calculated by the total value of all the final products and services produced in a given period by a countrys resident. 

3 What is Net Exports? 
Ans= It is the difference between what a country exports ( X) - any imports ( M) of goods and services produced within a financial year. 

Note = GNP is final Goods produced by the citizen of a country irrespective of where they produced. 

4 Define the formula of GNP? 
Ans= GNP=GDP+NFFI ( X-M)  
here, X = Income from abroad, M= foreigners income from India 
NFFI = Net foreign factor income 

5 Define NFFI? 
Ans = it is the difference between a nations GNP and GDP 

© md kashif hayat 

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