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Showing posts with label PSYCHOLOGY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PSYCHOLOGY. Show all posts

Saturday, December 28, 2019

important psychology mcq part 42 Md kashif hayat

96.Who opened the first laboratory of Psychology and where ? – William Wundt

97. IQ of an average student – (90- 110)

98. Theory of Connectionism/S-R theory / Trial and Error theory – Thorndike

99.who invented the method of deductive reasoning – Aristotle

100.Who invented inductive method – Roger Bacon

101. Personality test by questionnair- woodworth

Important psychology mcq part 41 Md kashif hayat

91.Who First used the word mental age – Alfred Binet

92.Factor analysis was introduced by – Spearman

93.Who first found the formal of IQ – Lewis Terman

94. Who first coined the term IQ – William sterm

95.Positive, negative and Zero transfer of learning is given by – Edward Lee Thorndike

Important psychology mcq part 40 Md kashif hayat

86.Social development will help in – Social adjustment

87.Ability is transmitted in human by – Gene

88. Hierarchy of needs given by – Abraham Maslow

89. Psychology came from – Philosophy (Greek)

90.Both X an Y Chromosome are found in – Male Cells

Important psychology mcq part 39 Md kashif hayat

81.Learning through experience is given by – Jhon Dewey

82. Three – dimensional theory of intelligence – Guilford

83.Concept of vicarious learning/ social learning theory – Albert Bandura

84. Sudden development in adolescence – Stanley Hall

85.Hierarchy of learning is given by – Gaga

Important psychology mcq part 38 Md kashif hayat

76. Micro-Teaching is invented by – Dwight w. Allen

77.Psychology deal with human – Feeling

78.Psychology seeks to study all – Social activities

79.Experiential learning is given by – David Kolb

80.The book “ Growth of the Mind” is written by – koffka

important psychology part 37 Md kashif hayat

71.Theory related to sex is propounded by – Freud

72.Action theory is given by – Weber

73.Hunger, thirst & sex are – Physiological needs

74.Action research is given by – Kurt Lewin

75. IEDC stands for – Integrated Education for Disabled Children

important psychology mcq part 36 Md kashif hayat

66.Who has founded behaviorism – Wundt

67. Lecture method is given by – Aristotle

68. What are Thorndike’s main law of learning – Law readiness, Law of exercise, Law of effect

69.Dialectic Method is given by – Plato

70. Nursery Method is given by – Maria Montessori

Important psychology mcq part 35 Md kashif hayat

61.” John Dewey”, an educationist, belong to – Pragmatism

62.Psychoanalysis was founded by – Freud

63.Question answer method is given by – Socrates

64.“ The act of teaching or training” means – Educere

65.Who propounded the theory of psychoanalysis – Sigmund Freud

Important psychology mcq part 34 Md kashif hayat

56.The Law of effect was developed by – Thorndike

57.Project method is given by – W.H . Kilpatrick

58.Expectancy theory is a theory of – Motivation

59.The famous book “ Beyond Freedom and Dignity” is written by – Skinner

60. Play and Drama method is given by – Moreno

Sunday, December 15, 2019


1  Jean Piaget interested mainly in which field of psychology ?
Ans = Jean Piaget interested  in  the  process of the qualitative development of the knowledge and also interested in the field of genetic epistemology 

2 Equilibration of Cognitive Structures is a book written by whom ? 
Ans = Jean Piaget 

3  Genetic Epistemology is a book written by whom ? 
Ans = Jean Piaget 

4 What are the four development stages described by Jean Piaget ?
1 Sensorimotor stage 
2 Preoperational stage
Concrete operational
4 Formal operational stage

5 What is the time period for sensorimotor stage according to Jean Piaget? 
Ans =  from  birth  to two year of age. ( during this stage children are extremely egocentric )

6 What is the age period in which child reflexes. 
And =birth to one month old

7 Habit and circular reactions occurs at what age in child according to Jean Piaget ?
Ans = Habit and circular reactions from one month's to four months old ex. Suppose if we give something to child it will suck that or sucking of thumb is a good example. 

8 According to Jean Piaget which special quality generate in child of age between 4-8 months. 
Ans = At the age of 4-8 months children  became aware of things .

9 What is coordination of secondary circular reactions and when it occurs ? 
* It occurs between the age of 8-12 months during this time children try to do things intentionally. 

10 What is Tertiary  circular  reaction and when it occurs ?
Ans = Curiosity to do new things ,learning language and to explore possibilities between the age of 12-18 months is called tertiary circular reactions .

11 What is preparational stage stated by Jean Piaget and When it occurs ?
Ans = Mainly children cannot manipulate information and they easily belief in things like magical steps along with this child also face difficulty judging other viewpoints. 

12 Define symbolic Function stage and it's time period in children ? 
Ans = It's time period is between 2-4 years during this time children  find  themselves  using symbol to represent physical models like family drawing etc.

13 In which substage of development theory of Jean Piaget children become curious and ask many questions ?
Ans = Intuitive  Thought  Substage between  about  the  ages  of 4-7 children  show curiousness and ask  many  questions.

14 What is concrete operational stage and what is it's time period ? 
Ans = It's duration is around 7-11 years of age during this time period children became more aware of logic and conservations. 

15 What is formal operational stage and what is it's time period as per the Jean Piaget ?
Ans = Children at this stage became able to think abstractly and utilize metacognition and these all happens between the age of 11-16 years onwards. 

© Md kashif hayat 

Saturday, December 14, 2019


1 What is assimilation process according to Jean Piaget ? 
Ans = Assimilation is when a child responds to a new event according to an existing schema ( Plan) 

 2 What is accommodation process according to Jean Piaget ? 
Ans = Accommodation is when a child create entirely different schema to deal with a situation or modifies the existing one. 

3 What are the key points of intellectual  development  model proposed by Jean Piaget ? 
Ans = Following are the key points of intellectual development model. 
1 Intelligence develops in series. 
2 It is related to age. 
3 It is progressive in nature. 
4 One stage must be accomplished before occurring new .
5 Child form view for every age period. 
6 Concept changes according to previous concept .
7 Earlier mental ability is necessary for the new one concept. 

4 Why logical concepts are reversible ?
Ans = According to Jean Piaget logical cocepts are reversible because we can come back to older concepts. 

5 Memory  is never  completely  reversible stated by Jean Piaget think why ?
Ans = Memory is never completely reversible because people cannot memories an event between to points say A or B or an event step by step. 

© Md kashif hayat 

Friday, December 13, 2019

PART 3 JEAN PIAGET by Md kashif hayat

1 When and from where Jean Piaget completed his doctorate? 
Ans=   Jean Piaget  received  a  doctorate  in  1918  from  the University  of  Neuchatel ( Natural history and philosophy)

2 What was the relation of Theodore Simon with Jean Piaget ?
Ans=  Jean Piaget hired by Theodore Simon  to standardize psychometric  measures  for use  with  French  children  in  1919.

3 Why the year 1920s was important for jean Piaget ? 
  Ans= Jean Piaget  first got popularity  as  a  psychologist  in the  year 1920s.

4  Who is the first person in the history of psychology to investigate the hidden side of Children mind. 
Ans= Jean Piaget was the first to investigate  the  hidden  side/portion of  children's  minds.

5 Child move from Egocentricism to sociocentrism who proposed it. 
Ans = Children move from a state of egocentrism to sociocentrism proposed by Jean Piaget 

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Jean Piaget notes part 2 Md kashif hayat

Note= As the director of the  IBA ( International  Bureau  of  Education ),  he declared  in  1934  that  "only  education  is capable  of  saving  our  societies  from possible  collapse weather violent or gradual.

2 Who stated Piaget as "the great pioneer of the constructivist theory of knowing"?

Ans =Ernst  von  Glasersfeld stated about Jean Piaget  "the  great  pioneer  of  the constructivist  theory  of  knowing

3 What is closely related to "trails and errors "?

 Ans= Groping a psychological concept is closely related to " trails and errors "

4 For what Jean Piaget got Balzan prize?

Ans = In  1979  Jean Piaget  awarded  the Balzan  Prize for  Social  and  Political  Sciences. 

5 Who described  Jean  Piaget's theoretical research  program as consisting  of  four  phases and state  all the phases also .

Harry  Beilin  described  Jean  Piaget's theoretical research  program as consisting  of  four  phases: 
1.  the  sociological  model  of development,

2.  the  biological  model  of  intellectual development, 

3.  the  elaboration  of  the  logical  model of  intellectual  development, 

4.  the  study  of  figurative  thought.

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