1 What is assimilation process according to Jean Piaget ?
Ans = Assimilation is when a child responds to a new event according to an existing schema ( Plan)
2 What is accommodation process according to Jean Piaget ?
Ans = Accommodation is when a child create entirely different schema to deal with a situation or modifies the existing one.
3 What are the key points of intellectual development model proposed by Jean Piaget ?
Ans = Following are the key points of intellectual development model.
1 Intelligence develops in series.
2 It is related to age.
3 It is progressive in nature.
4 One stage must be accomplished before occurring new .
5 Child form view for every age period.
6 Concept changes according to previous concept .
7 Earlier mental ability is necessary for the new one concept.
4 Why logical concepts are reversible ?
Ans = According to Jean Piaget logical cocepts are reversible because we can come back to older concepts.
5 Memory is never completely reversible stated by Jean Piaget think why ?
Ans = Memory is never completely reversible because people cannot memories an event between to points say A or B or an event step by step.
© Md kashif hayat
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