Saturday, December 7, 2019

Jean Piaget notes part 2 Md kashif hayat

Note= As the director of the  IBA ( International  Bureau  of  Education ),  he declared  in  1934  that  "only  education  is capable  of  saving  our  societies  from possible  collapse weather violent or gradual.

2 Who stated Piaget as "the great pioneer of the constructivist theory of knowing"?

Ans =Ernst  von  Glasersfeld stated about Jean Piaget  "the  great  pioneer  of  the constructivist  theory  of  knowing

3 What is closely related to "trails and errors "?

 Ans= Groping a psychological concept is closely related to " trails and errors "

4 For what Jean Piaget got Balzan prize?

Ans = In  1979  Jean Piaget  awarded  the Balzan  Prize for  Social  and  Political  Sciences. 

5 Who described  Jean  Piaget's theoretical research  program as consisting  of  four  phases and state  all the phases also .

Harry  Beilin  described  Jean  Piaget's theoretical research  program as consisting  of  four  phases: 
1.  the  sociological  model  of development,

2.  the  biological  model  of  intellectual development, 

3.  the  elaboration  of  the  logical  model of  intellectual  development, 

4.  the  study  of  figurative  thought.


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